Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Our national drug is alcohol. We tend to regard the use any other drug with special horror"

This is totally hideous what happened to me yesterday. I cant believe im even telling you what really happened.

For the last few days I've had to keep myself busy, as I've been having a new bathroom fitted. Yippy a lush bath after six months of not knowing if im going to end up in chatty chattys bedroom. That would have been the final straw.

What a peasant, using sellotape to cover the crack I caused, actually to be fair it's more like a crater

This Is the aftermath I had caused, having decided to take a dip whilst high on "The Devils Dandruff"

I was in a webcam chat room at the time, and for some reason, why I say that, is I am not a bath person. Number one I don't wish to bathe in my own muck, and the other reason being is,

I guess I have become to associate fuck, Roxy you did It again as In, I've snorted that much gak, that only a bath will do . ????

I guess, growing up we were a shower and bidet family and that's all !

I don't no how even I have managed to be telling one story then realize I've created two. OK im just going to type , I no what I mean !!

Yesterday (The bath story can wait and it's true, and funny as fuck nearly as good if not better than the midget story, as soon as I get an Im from someone, I will reveal.)

Ok, yesterday I decided I would Fanny around for the day, it was a full day at that, I had to get into routine mode. I learned how to use the alarm function LOL set it for 8am I had to cover every angle of my life as in, bathroom man in my space for two days, how did I ever get up when I lived the 9-5 life it seems to be a distant memory.

So had to change my screen saver which states "Everyday is a test of survival" and until you get it right you keep coming back.

But also random porn related shit.
So getting to the point, Haaa !! I ended up going shopping with this French girl who I have become friends with, since meeting at my Spanish night school class. I class her as my, well one and only non chemical user I shock out with.

Used to love that word, don't no if anyone else uses it in my sense.

I decided today, I would have, one of my kind of large it days, which are generally good as I do really have to turn off my cell, which for once, clients have not caused me to do this.

Got dressed, this was really practical if I may say so ! I wore some funky retro army style cargo pants accesorised with Sunny Mandela shades, Vivian Westwood gold strappy high wedges.

Im standing in one of those long ques in John Lewis, so Roxy in que, holding some slinky turquoise French knickers. All of a sudden, I must have lost my balance, and stumbled to the ground, I remember going down like a skittle.

So, all of a sudden "she's fainted" I've gone from, in the horrors, due to embarrassment, to Bafta performance going along with "she's fainted" "quick get her a chair" "move out the way" Loads of concerned women all of a sudden "that's happened to me" "maybe your anemic" "Has anyone got a sugar cube" I haven't even confessed this to my friend !! that i had'nt really fainted. But when you dress like a bint, i guess this is your own doing !!

In other words, I love earning the poke and having fun, but situations like these when your a hustler are few and far between. Day's off ! I guess that's what makes my white lines taste so sweet.

This is hilarious, maybe only to me but Im gonna tell you anyway.

I am going to have to cut this post as im not getting to the point.

RoxyFoxy, should not be allowed to blog whilst smoking skunk, it's wrong But you no, when I do it reminds me, anything that is white is not as green as it looks !!

Go Roxy !
I no I was going to fuck off, but I wanted to share the best bit about blogging for me that makes me howl. When you drop a post bearing in mind at the time, you are thinking your the best writer since Shakespeare !

You then do a spell check, the minute my finger ticks that button, it starts trying to replace my lingo, type Roxy and you get rosy posy, fuck is the worse it trys to replace it with Fuji !

P.S feel free to tell me If this latest post should be binned !

roxyfoxy @ 5:56 am

no dont bin it. i like that style of writing. i used to do all my writing after smoking so i see where you're coming from.
Paul, (a.k.a thefuse on u75)
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Cocaine, Champayne, Sex, Money and bullshit. Forget Belle De Jour, Bridget Jones who's she !! this is the real deal enjoy xx

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Location: United Kingdom

Where the hell do i start ! Well i give a mint blow job !! For now ill just say ive been on a bender for the last 10 years i work in the adult industry and i live a mad life.




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