Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nervous clients catered for !!

Just got in, had a busy day today. Entertained one of my regular clients at 2pm didn't bother getting out of bed until he was on his way. I woke up around 8.30am looked out of the window to see the fucked up tarmac being jetwashed off my drive. I would have made them a coffee but when I looked out of the window, maybe I was being paranoid but the vibe I felt was this was the hooker who's got her car fucked over cause she's screwed someone's husband.

So I just drew the curtains and went back to sleep. Was meant to go to probation for 2'Oclock but received a letter saying it was cancelled due to a strike.

Got ready for Carl who only has hand relief (still the same price) Ha I don't do reductions. He shot his load and I rubbed it into his mouth. Then he goes "fucking hell that tastes rank"

Like he says everytime he loves the buzz at the time then as soon as it's over, all of a sudden we both go back into normal mode. He's like all of a sudden discussing the weather or some bolocks us English like to small talk about. We said the usual client hooker piffle on the doorstep him kind of promising to call me again, me thanking him for cuming Literally toodle pip !

Popped out for my 4O'Clock appointment which involved tanning and my Brazilian wax. I love getting that done, I love the way she makes me hold my thong to one side why she lines up the wax. Maybe one day she'll just go down on me ! In your dreams Rox !!

Took a call from a guy called Sebastian who booked me for 8 o'clock fucking hell he must have called me another 5 times. He was in denial he kept telling me he wasn't a looser who couldn't get a girl. He kept justifying how fit he was etc, I put him at ease and told him it was only a bit of fun. Fuck me, I think the complete opposite a looser in my eyes is going without sex.

Anyway got ready and landed there around 7.30 PM typical client directions fucking wak ! I walked down the drive knocked on the door wrong door ! Me black dress on mink fur on, fuck me shoes get the picture. This guy answers the door" I'm like hi babes how you doing" All of a sudden wife from hell comes to see what's going on. This could have gone tits up, all of a sudden Sebastian opens the door to the right. Oops sorry wrong house.

He was cool about it which was good. I was glad too, Keith and Brenda would be none the wiser if I'd said "Avon Calling"

Anyway, sorted out the wonga then all of a sudden cant remember how "The Devils Dandruff" was mentioned. Im like rack um up then he's giving it the large, I have got some but it's my mates he left it here. Don't get me wrong, but if you have got gear and mention it then fucking get it out. As if your mates going to leave his gak at you house.

He then comes back with maybe an Oz, I look at the coaster he's sprinkled the smallest few flakes I've ever seen. I spill more on the floor than he's put out. I chop it up well try it's that really flakey clumpy stuff. He's like where's mine ? I'm sorry but any connoisseur of Columbian would never come out with all that bullshit. Anyway he lay on the sofa im like go get some more gak. Which I don't think is unreasonable, but what is, is fucking getting your stash out and then using it as a control weapon. What the fuck is that all about little boy ! Im not greedy but where I come from you don't fucking do gear and be told when and how much you can have.

It makes me laugh, why is he trying to blagg me it's his (wait for it) best mates stash and he's looking after it ! I'm like rack um up ! How dare he get it out then say "another one" As if you have a bag of Gak rack ONE up and keep going out the room to stash it. Anyway what peasant style lines I was allowed it was fucking rocket fuel. Gave him a good fucking as he lay on the rug, I got on the sofa before my knees got carpet burns.

He lay on the floor wanking for me, I just love a man lying there wanking even better if I had a man lying on my bed an catching him cracking one off fucking yes please.

These women who moan they caught there man wanking im like I have to wank about that happening, where's my secret wanker !!

Anyway thanked Sebastian for his hospitality which he then replied you only want me for my coke !! Purrlease the half OZ that will still be there next year. My mans chatting like he's Pablo Escabar. I even said can I buy some off you. I won't even repeat the piffle he came out with !

Anyway, flew up to the next motorway junction for my next client. Why I no that his gear was pukka all of a sudden im driving like a cunt. (Sorry hate that word but I was) Grinding my teeth smoking like a bitch think it could have been the weather, was pissing down and my Audi doesn't hold wet roads too well. Landed at my next clients house he was a proper darling but he was in denial too. Had to listen to him justifying my presence as his wife had just had a baby. Ok, but six months is not really OK I had to tell him. He did ask, but six months turns in to twelve months which all of a sudden single beds. Next thing you no it's never mentioned again.

I can't get my head around it, how can you not want to get fucked. Im not getting deep but the thought of being one of those people that can take it or leave it. Imagine being one the many women I will have to say, only going by what I no. Not really met any men that this applies too, but they wouldn't care if they never had to see another cock again. Now that's fucked up.

roxyfoxy @ 11:04 pm

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Cocaine, Champayne, Sex, Money and bullshit. Forget Belle De Jour, Bridget Jones who's she !! this is the real deal enjoy xx

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Location: United Kingdom

Where the hell do i start ! Well i give a mint blow job !! For now ill just say ive been on a bender for the last 10 years i work in the adult industry and i live a mad life.




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