Friday, June 23, 2006

When your ready

I don't think it has been my week regarding punter profiles. I have had to entertain one that told me he was a manic depressive and I have just landed back from a client that only had one eye. What's all that about ? You tell me !! Im thinking about moving my advert to GQ or Nuts then maybe I wont attract so many mingers. I was dying for a good fuck as well today.

Anyway arrived at my 8PM booking last night which he had requested I stay for two hours. When a call comes through like that you expect it to nine times out of ten be a decent punter with plenty of poke lots of drink coke and up for a good time. Well I landed at this clients apartment which I kind of new where and what they were like as I went to visit another punter there not long back.

So I was expecting a kind of youngish client on the level and in my mind expecting to enjoy the two hour booking. I put his quivering voice, which was so obvious when he called me earlier on to book the meeting down to nerves or maybe too many lines of the posh stuff.

I made an extra effort with choosing what to wear, what I mean is, let me explain. I love my clobber I always have and always will. I am so fussy about my swag and always like to look mint, don't forget this is all pre "The Devils Dandruff" before I start to metamorphise from babe to boot, think mint becomes bint ! I'm only being honest, im under no illusion that drugs make you look fly, well the amount of coke I do in just one sitting whilst on a bender, make me think you rock girl. Actually I am chatting shit I have just checked the mirror and I have just put my fees up ! Ha

Anyway getting back to the point which was last nights client, Alan buzzed me in which said it all really I don't like to be detrimental but when they say "It's all in the name" they had got a point. Alan actually was an Alan if that makes sense. He closed the door and led me into his lounge, I sat on his three piece suite facing him whilst he sank back into "his armchair"He had laid the wonga neatly on his coffee table.

I discretely scanned the perimeter of the room, clocking his white MFI flatpack shelves crammed full to the brim of crappy DVD and video box set collections having every series ever made, you could say Alan was a keen collector most of them were Inspector Morse, series one to fucking ten thousand ! Alongside more bullshit infact everything but porn.

Anyway breaking the ice I suggested he fix me a nice glass of something. The best he could come up with was a warm glass of flat cider, having told me the reason why in a little too much detail, bearing in mind I only met him five minutes ago and he could be anyone. Great he is a manic depressive which when you hear that and know nothing about what it means it sounds kinda scary. Even his apartment had no oomph if you know what I mean bland just one of those homes that has no vibes.

Anyway within ten minutes he piped up and said "shall we retire to the bedroom" Fucking retire hello ! Anyway I follow "Alan" into his bedroom which was even blander than his lounge he had this green thing going on with the duvet which he had pulled back ready to "retire"into. I asked him, if he didn't mind pulling it back so we could lie ontop of the bed. Yuk I wasn't going to lay my booty anywhere near his gism dribbled bottom sheet.

He kept staring at me, I think he was waiting for me to peel his clothes off, that was until he figured out quite quick that, that was not going to happen. He then dropped the bombshell,the reason was he had booked me for two hours was because he took ages to come. Ages, that was an understatement, I nearly gave him a refund that's how bad it became.

At one point I felt really bad as in, well come on look at the poke the man has paid you just to toss him off. Then I thought no, fuck off my arm aches like hell. This situation I was faced with is my worse nightmare.I can usually put up with what is thrown at me but this is not a job for RoxyFoxy.

I ended up making him bash it himself I told him he needed to do it himself. He kept saying im nearly there and I kept asking him "how long" then: "how near" then when he did cum I asked him if it was a good one as if I cared.

roxyfoxy @ 10:44 pm

The way you write it makes my back cold. You write so good!

And what moore importent; why should you care?
Arr your so sweet thanks babe. Glad you enjoy reading my madness love n light always x Rox
Nothing will keep a man from cuming like a woman asking how long will it be. Every time you ask just add 4 minutes.
Ha feeling the shit out of that comment ! LMAO Mwah
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Cocaine, Champayne, Sex, Money and bullshit. Forget Belle De Jour, Bridget Jones who's she !! this is the real deal enjoy xx

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Location: United Kingdom

Where the hell do i start ! Well i give a mint blow job !! For now ill just say ive been on a bender for the last 10 years i work in the adult industry and i live a mad life.




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