Thursday, September 06, 2007

Pond life scum !

Well another drama for ya asses to read !!

I took a call yesterday afternoon from a fella called Jim, who i remember had called me last week enquiring prices for a meet up. He wanted me to accompany him to an adult cinema club which i had agreed to do. His only request was that i meet him outside around 3.30 pm and be wearing a skirt.

I landed at 3.30PM on the dot and saw Jim stood outside waiting for me. We arrived at a city sex shop which had a downstairs cinema club. He lead me to the front row and we sat down ready to watch the prod movie. As we sat down i requested that we sort the money out which he happily obliged and crossed my palm with one hundred pounds.

The cinema was half packed with what looked like the dredges of society !! I put the dollars in my Fendi bag and sat back.

I said to Jim "so what happens next" he said ''O.K", "i go to the toilets and come back naked and we make our way to the back seat where you will strip off and get naked"

I said "'i ain't taking shit off" He said you have to, that is the only way it will work. I told him if he really thought that i was going to get naked infront of a room full of men in macs he was mistaken.

At this point is where it began to very quickly go tits up. He said "If you won't get naked then give me my money back right now" He said that being both naked was the only way he could do it. I got up to leave, as by this point things were starting to get out of hand. I got as far as the exit before this streak of piss stood infront of me blocking the door. If you could see him he looked like a gust of wind would floor him.

He, all of a sudden started being violent towards me. He grabbed my arms really tight and at the same time trying to grab my bag. He was shouting "Give me my money back now" I was trying as hard as i possibly could to open the door whilst trying to reason with him. I said can you just let go of me and lets go outside of the cinema and discuss this "Please i begged him" I really did feel totally humiliated infront of all these men.

All i could here was "Give him his fucking dough so we can carry on watching the movie" I'm being thrown around the place like a rag doll and do you know not one of these guys stood up to intervene. All i could see out of the corner of my eye was a room full of dirty pervey men wanking like there lives depended on it "Wankers"

All of a sudden the door opened and this girl shouts what the hell is going on get off her. Was i relieved to see her or what ! she ordered him out of the premises saying she was calling the old bill. I stood in the shop looking at him in disgust showing him the bruises that were appearing all down my arms from where he had roughed me up. At this point, the man had gone from physio to a quivering wreck. He stood there begging that we didn't call the filth balling his eyes out. The girl was shouting at him to fuck off and i was as you can imagine going ballistic.

I thanked the girl for helping me and ran to my car and locked myself in. I called up P my hairdresser friend and told her i was on my way. When i landed there i was mad as hell she said why don't you call him back up and make him give you compensation for your injuries. Good point so i called him up and demanded that he pay me some money or i was going to tell his wife how he had spent his afternoon and report him to the police for assault.

He hadn't got a pot to piss in and all he could come up with was a ton ! I met him a few hours later and he was still crying like a baby. I showed him what he had done to my arms and told him what a cunt he was.

Can you believe that not one of those lame men stood up for me !!

roxyfoxy @ 12:05 am

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Cocaine, Champayne, Sex, Money and bullshit. Forget Belle De Jour, Bridget Jones who's she !! this is the real deal enjoy xx

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Location: United Kingdom

Where the hell do i start ! Well i give a mint blow job !! For now ill just say ive been on a bender for the last 10 years i work in the adult industry and i live a mad life.




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